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Updated Diaspora Homeland Guide

The Office of Diaspora Affairs in Saint Lucia has prepared this Diaspora Homeland Guide, to provide Saint Lucians in the Diaspora with clear and reliable information for returning, investing, creating trading links, purchasing property and transference of skills, in Saint Lucia. This Guide serves to:

  • Provide all the requirements for potential Diaspora investors;
  • Provide all necessary information to engage in a business venture;
  • Outline all the steps and procedures for returning nationals;
  • Provide a simple web format that is easily uploaded; and
  • Provide policy makers with a reference document, as they seek to reduce administrative barriers and improve avenues for engagement, with the Diaspora.

The objective of this Guide is to highlight all key legal and institutional frameworks of the Government and Private sector that serve as important components, in facilitating the Diaspora engagement; these include:

  1. Tax incentives for approved investments under the guidance of sectorial statutes.
  2. Interested in starting a business, trading, purchasing property or obtaining official documents? Save time and money by identifying and mapping out the procedural activities involved. These activities include:
  • Customs and Excise Procedures with the clearing of goods
  • Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority procedures with the clearing of goods
  • Inland Revenue Department in relation to tax procedures
  • Acquisition of Property and Registration of Property
  • Obtaining a Trade License
  • Banking Procedures
  • Securing Utilities such as Electricity, Telephone landline and Water
  • Other procedural requirements for official documents

Please use this link to access the Diaspora Homeland Guide:

Do not hesitate to contact the Saint Lucia Diaspora Affairs Unit, for more information or assistance, via Tel: 1 (758) 468-2177 or Email:


For cases relating to deportation/removal orders, please contact the Consulate General at