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Honourable Kenson Casimir and Consul General Henry Mangal Visit the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office’s Cultural Center

Honourable Kenson Casimir and Consul General Henry Mangal Visit the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office’s Cultural Center

Director General Chen Jin-ling gave a warm welcome to Honourable Kenson Casimir, Saint Lucia’s Minister of Youth Development and Sports, and Mr. Henry Mangal, Consul General of the Consulate General of Saint Lucia, in Toronto, during their visit to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Cultural Center.

Minister Casimir and CG Mangal had an enjoyable tour and briefing, at the Culture Centre. Director General Chen and Minister Casimir exchanged views and policies, on how to better serve the Diaspora, and the young generation, of the two countries.

Director General Chen also welcomed and encouraged Saint Lucians in Toronto, to use the facilities of the Culture Center.

During the visit, Minister Casimir was invited to dance, and practice badminton with the students, on the court.


Source: Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Toronto